Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sensory Processing Disorder Disappears!

I went out last week and taught at a MOPS (Mother's Of Preschoolers) group and recieved the most wonderful gift. As I was setting up a lady came over, I recognized her but couldn't remember where I had met her. She introduced herself and said she had been in my class at her friends house two years ago. I then remembered her! She said through tear filled eyes that after the class she was so encouraged that she went home and changed the way her family ate. She did not do an elimination diet (gluten free, dairy free, etc...) she just went to a whole foods diets (a diet free from processed foods) and her sons Sensory Processing Disorder went away! It just goes to show that when we give our bodies the food God created for us to eat our body is designed to heal itself! She did not do any "fancy" diet just began to feed her family real living foods and the results are amazing! God is so good. What a way to start the day!


cardinal arts said...

what an amazing story to hear - you are doing such good work, Kelli
love you

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