Saturday, December 17, 2011

7 Healthy Days Before Christmas

The recipe today is one that come from the tradition I had growing up, making almond bark pretzels. Well, when we switched our diet we were no longer able to use almond bark. So this is the alternative we came up with. This is a relatively low sugared treat for Christmas in comparison to many out there. The sweet and salty are alway a hit, and the candy canes give them a holiday touch!

Dark Chocolate Covered GF Pretzels with Candy Cane Sprinkles
GF Pretzels (we use Glutino)
1 bag (10oz) Chocolate Chips (Enjoy Life: GF,DF,SF)
Organic Candy Canes (Naturally colored- you can find them at any co-op) or candy sprinkles (Naturally colored- See post from day 9)

Directions: Crush Candy Canes into bits. Melt chocolate in a double broiler (if you do not have a double broiler just make sure to heat your chocolate slowly so it does not cease). Dip pretzels individually into the pan of melted chocolate and then place on an unbleached parchment paper. (I drop each one of mine in the chocolate, then flip it with a fork, and remove it from the pan with a fork as well.) Sprinkle each pretzel when wet with candy cane sprinkles allow to sit and harden. To harden quickly place in the refrigerator until chocolate sets.



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